Mata Kuliah Fisika Matematika II (4 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This course examines: Complex numbers, Fourier series, special functions, solutions to differential equations, and partial differential equations through active learning with a combination of discussion methods, question and answer and IT-assisted assignments.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Students are able to formulate simple physical systems related to classical physics into mathematical model using relevant symbolic/numeric language.
  2. Students are able to solve problems in simple physical systems related to classical physics using mathematical physics and computational approach.
  3. Students are able to analyze a simple physical system related to classical physics using mathematical physics and computational approach.
Sumber Rujukan :
  • Boas, M.L., , 2006, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science, edisi 3, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  • Arfken, G., 1995, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press.
  • Trigs, G.L., 2000, Mathematical tools for Physicist, Wiley-Velt Verlag.
  • Riley, K.F., Hobson, M.P., Bence, S.J. 2006. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, edisi 3, Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Hassani, Sadri. 2009. Mathematical methods for students of physics and related fields, 2nd ed. Springer, Illinois.

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