NIM Student ID : 18021264094
Program Studi Study Program : Desain Komunikasi Visual
Mata Kuliah Course SKS
   Periode 2018/2019 Gasal
Bahasa Inggris English Language 3
Budaya Rupa Nusantara Indonesia Visual Culture 2
Gambar Bentuk Still Lifes 3
Pengantar Studi Desain Introduction to Design Study 2
Tipografi Dasar Basic Typography 3
   Periode 2018/2019 Genap
Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian 2
Estetika Aesthetics 2
Proses Komunikasi Communication Process 2
Rupa Dasar 3d 3D Basic Design 3
Sejarah Desain Design History 2
Sketsa Desain Sketching for Design 3
   Periode 2019/2020 Gasal
Digital Imaging Digital Imaging 3
Fotografi Dasar Basic Digital Photography 3
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (Iad) Basic Natural Science 2
Ilustrasi Dasar Basic Illustration 3
KEWIRAUSAHAAN Entrepreneurship 2
Kewarganegaraan Civics 2
Komputer Grafis Graphic Computer 3
Manajemen Desain Design Management 2
Tinjauan Desain Design Analysis 2
   Periode 2019/2020 Genap
Desktop Publishing Desktop Publishing 3
Filsafat Ilmu Philosophy of Sciences 2
Fotografi Aplikatif Applied Photography 3
Ilustrasi Aplikatif Applied Illustration 3
Metode Penciptaan Desain Design Method 2
Persepsi Visual Visual Perception 2
Teknologi Cetak Printing Technology 3
Videografi Videography 3
   Periode 2020/2021 Gasal
ANIMASI Animation 3
Agama Islam Islamic Religion Education 2
Bahasa Visual Visual Language 2
Desain Komunikasi Visual I Visual Communication and Design I 4
Environmental Graphic Environmental Graphic 4
Motion Graphics Motion Graphics 3
Teori Periklanan AdvertisingTheory 2
Wawasan Branding Introduction to Branding 2
   Periode 2020/2021 Genap
Dasar-dasar Pengajaran Desain Fundamental of Design Teaching 3
Desain Eksibisi Exhibition Design 3
Desain Komunikasi Visual II Visual Communication Design II 4
Desain dan Kebudayaan 2
Design Brand Identity Design Brand Identity 4
Kuliah Kerja Nyata Community Service Program 3
Tipografi aplikatif Applied Typography 3
   Periode 2021/2022 Gasal
Desain Kemasan Packaging Design 3
Desain Komunikasi Visual III Visual Communication Design III 4
Integrated Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication 3
Portfolio Portfolio and Self Promotion 2
Rupa Dasar 2d 2D Basic Design 3
   Periode 2021/2022 Genap
Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
Pancasila Pancasila 2
Publikasi Karya Publication of Artworks 3
   Periode 2022/2023 Gasal
Praktek Kerja Lapangan Internship 3
   Periode 2024/2025 Gasal
Skripsi Thesis 6
  Semester   SKS SKS TT
  2018/2019 Gasal 13   13  
  2018/2019 Genap 14   27  
  2019/2020 Gasal 22   49  
  2019/2020 Genap 21   70  
  2020/2021 Gasal 22   92  
  2020/2021 Genap 22   114  
  2021/2022 Gasal 15   129  
  2021/2022 Genap 8   137  
  2022/2023 Gasal 3   140  
  2024/2025 Gasal 6   146  

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