Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2019/2020 Genap | |||
Desain Eksibisi | Exhibition Design | 3 | |
Desain dan Kebudayaan | 2 | ||
Design Brand Identity | Design Brand Identity | 4 | |
Proses Komunikasi | Communication Process | 2 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Gasal | |||
Environmental Graphic | Environmental Graphic | 4 | |
Infografis | Infographic | 3 | |
LITERASI DIGITAL | Digital Literacy | 2 | |
Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 3 | |
SEJARAH DESAIN | Design History | 3 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Genap | |||
Filsafat Ilmu | Philosophy of Sciences | 2 | |
Kuliah Kerja Nyata | Community Service Program | 3 | |
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN | Physical Education and Fitness | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Genap | |||
Desain Web | Web Design | 3 | |
Portfolio | Portfolio and Self Promotion | 2 | |
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Bahasa Visual | Visual Language | 2 | |
DESAIN KEMASAN | Packaging Design | 4 | |
Motion Graphics | Motion Graphics | 3 | |
Pengantar Studi Desain | Introduction to Design Study | 2 | |
Skripsi | Thesis | 6 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2019/2020 Genap | 13 | 13 |
2020/2021 Gasal | 15 | 28 |
2020/2021 Genap | 7 | 35 |
2023/2024 Genap | 5 | 40 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 17 | 57 |
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