Mata Kuliah Bahan Paduan (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This course examines the study of metal alloys and non-metallic alloys, including composites that begin classifying materials according to their composition, characteristics, processing/manufacturing of materials, and application of materials through paper and visual literacy guidance as group investigation-based projects. Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out through experimental results reports (conformity with design, theoretical studies, experimental methods, results and discussions, conclusions, literature), presentation materials in the form of PPT (performance structure, ideas for each presentation, creativity, IT applications), presentation skills ( delivery techniques, the ability to defend ideas, respond to the opinions of others, cohesiveness)
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Mastering the meaning, type/classification, characteristics, manufacturing process, and application of alloy materials
  2. Have the ability to use learning resources from around and ICT to study alloy materials
  3. Having the skills to design the manufacture of functional alloying materials based on situational analysis and supporting data and making prototypes of alloying materials according to the design, conducting analysis, and making conclusions based on experimental data
  4. Having the character of life skills (decision making, the wise use of resources, communication, accepting differences, leadership, practical, marketable skills and self-responsibility) is reflected in the activities carried out and the activity products/designs of making realistic alloys
  5. Have an entrepreneurial character (action-oriented, superficial thinking, always looking for new opportunities, focus on execution and focus the energy of everyone in the business) from activities to realize the design of making alloy material
Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Callister, William D. 2007. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction . 7ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Chung, Deborah D.L. 2010. Composite Materials: Science and Application . Second Edition. Springer-Verlag London Limited.
  3. Chawla, A. K. 2002. Composite Materials: Science and Engeneering. Thirth Edition. Springer: New York.
  4. Kaw, Authar K.. 2006. Mechanics of Composite Materials. Second Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.
  5. Setyarsih, W. dan Rohmawati L. 2014. Bahan Ajar Bahan Paduan . Jurusan Fisika Unesa.
  6. Anonim. 2014. Kumpulan Artikel Bahan Paduan Jurnal Internasional. Koleksi Tim Bahan Paduan Jurusan Fisika Unesa.

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