Mata Kuliah Fisika Inti (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
Nuclear Physics examines the discovery of the nucleus of an atom, nuclear properties in general, nuclear stability and binding energy per nucleon, deutron as the simplest nucleus, energy levels of nucleus, nuclear models, radioactive decay, mechanisms of nuclear decay, Q-value calculation for nuclear reaction, building blocks of matter, families of elementary particles, fundamental conservation laws in nuclear reaction, the existence of meson, nuclear fission and fusion, alternative green energy based on hydrogen fusion, nuclear technology, a nuclear power plant and its corresponding nuclear waste management, and radioactive decay for various applications in human life.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :

Sub-CLO1 Being able to understand the history of nuclear discovery in the context of modern physics, classification of a nuclide based on a specific number of protons and neutrons, and the dominant interaction within the nucleus.

Sub-CLO2 Being able to understand nuclear properties in general, the nature of nucleus based on its proton-neutron configuration that leads to stable and unstable nuclei, nuclear characteristics based on binding energy per nucleon, and concepts and measurement techniques of isotope determination.

Sub-CLO3 Being able to understand differences between hydrogen and deutron, energy levels of nucleus, nuclear interaction involved, and nuclear characteristics based on its corresponding spin and parity.

Sub-CLO4 Being able to understand nuclear models and the roles of nuclear valence in controlling nuclear properties.

Sub-CLO5 Being able to understand concepts of stable nuclei and radioactive nuclei, mechanisms of radioactive decay and its corresponding fundamental principles of electric charge and mass-energy conservation.

Sub-CLO6 Being able to understand concepts of elementary particles, classification of elementary particles, ‘everything is made in pairs’, and fundamental conservation laws.

Sub-CLO7 Being able to understand the discovery of meson as a carrier between nucleons, types of meson, and nuclear reaction that involves meson, meson resonance.
Sub-CLO8 Being able to understand differences between nuclear fission and fusion, potential sources of alternative green energy based on hydrogen fusion, radioactive decay for various applications in human life, nuclear technology, and a nuclear power plant and its corresponding nuclear waste management.
Sub-CLO9 Being able to understand some issues associated with nuclear technology and its potential use for various benefits to human life through poster creation by a group of students and individual poster presentation.

Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Krane, K.S. 1988. Introductory Nuclear Physics. New York, US : John wiley & Sons Inc.
  2. P Arya, Atam. 1966. Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics . Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston.
  3. Das and Ferbel. 2003. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics (2 nd Edition). World Scientific Publishing Co, Pte,Ltd. Singapore.
  4. E. Meyerhoff, Walter. 1967. Elements of Nuclear Physics. McGraw-Hill, Inc. USA.
  5. Cottingham and Greenwood. 2004. An Introduction to Nuclear Physics (2 nd Edition). Cambridge University Press, UK

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