Mata Kuliah Fisika Oseanografi (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
Indonesia is a marine country with area coverage of seas wider than lands. This calls for a specific course discussing issues related to knowledge and use of ocean resources in the country territory. During class discussions, a phenomenological approach is utilised with discussions focus on aspects of physical oceanography. Class discussions include the properties of ocean water, ocean wave and energy, ocean tides and currents, ocean circulation on regional and global scales, the Indonesian Throughflow, hydro-meteorological hazards associated with ocean hydrological cycle, and characteristic of a tsunami wave.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :

Sub-CLO1 Being able to understand that Indonesia is a marine country based on geographical, historical, social-economical and social-cultural considerations.

Sub-CLO2 Being able to understand important roles of the ocean as a physical system in human life in the context of ocean resources, ocean circulation and hydrological cycle.

Sub-CLO3 Being able to understand effects of sun’s radiation exposure on sea surface temperature and at depth through air-sea interaction.

Sub-CLO4 Being able to understand constant composition of salt around the world, and vertical and horizontal variations of salinity that cause density variations of ocean waters.

Sub-CLO5 Being able to understand density distribution of ocean waters as a function of temperature and salinity, vertical and horizontal variations of density as the driving force for the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), physical processes (ocean mixing and diffusion) that drive ocean waters into ocean stratification.

Sub-CLO6 Being able to understand issues related to characteristics of propagation of light and sound waves under the sea surface, principles of sensors for light and sound detection under the sea surface, marine acoustics for bathymetry and topography mapping at the sea floor.

Sub-CLO7 Being able to understand effects of air-sea interaction with respect to wind-forcing pattern that affects ocean currents and surface waves in the ocean, characteristics of divergent and convergent currents, characteristics of wave group velocity in shallow and deep seas.

Sub-CLO8 Being able to understand dynamics of ocean tides as the source of ocean power generation, effectiveness of ocean power generation in shallow and deep waters.

Sub-CLO9 Being able to understand potential threats from hydro-meteorological hazards associated with ocean hydrological cycle influenced by conditions on local, regional and global climates, hazard mitigation study and disaster risk management.

Sub-CLO10 Being able to understand posters relevant to physical oceanography with emphasis upon the exploration of ocean resources and efforts for hazard mitigation with respect to ocean hydrological cycle.

Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Prastowo, T. 2012. Sains Kebumian. Unpublished work, pp.1-31.
  2. Burhanudin, S. dkk. 2003. Sejarah Maritim Indonesia. Jakarta: BRKP Kementerian Perikanan dan Kelautan, pp.1-185.
  3. Supangat dan Susanna. 2005. Pengantar Oseanografi. Jakarta: BRKP Kementerian Perikanan dan Kelautan, pp.2-286.
  4. Pinet, P. R. 1998. Invitation to Oceanography. London, UK: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, pp.1-620.
  5. Stewart, R. H. 2004. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Texas, US: Texas A & M Uni Press, pp.1-352.

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