Mata Kuliah Fisika Tsunami (2 SKS)
The Physics of Tsunamis examines tsunamis as a series of surface long waves in the ocean generated by an impulsive geophysical disturbance that abruptly, vertically displaces the ocean water column. This course discusses earthquakes, submarine landslides, and volcanic eruptions that are considered as the most possible sources of tsunami excitation in the ocean. During its propagation from the source to coastal regions far away, the wave speed may or may not be influenced by ocean topography or ocean water characteristics. In this context, class discussions include shallow-water and deep-water approximation, non-dispersive and dispersive tsunamis, and time and spatial analysis of a tsunami wave arrival at shorelines. Tsunami hazard analysis is also discussed, emphasizing on important aspects of tsunami mitigation.
Sub-CLO1 Being able to understand the concepts and zones of generation, propagation, and mitigation of a tsunami wave.
Sub-CLO2 Being able to understand possible tsunami sources of earthquake, submarine landslide, and volcanic eruption origin.
Sub-CLO3 Being able to derive the long wave speed of a non-dispersive tsunami in the homogenous open ocean with no bottom deformation on the basis of shallow-water approximation.
Sub-CLO4 Being able to derive the wave speed of a dispersive tsunami during propagation on the basis of deep-water approximation.
Sub-CLO5 Being able to derive the wave speeds of a tsunami during propagation due to the separate effects of ocean floor deformation and ocean water compressibility.
Sub-CLO6 Being able to understand the concepts of tsunami onset time, travel time, arrival time, and time delay.
Sub-CLO7 Being able to understand the concepts of tsunami wave height, tsunami run-up, Green’s law, and horizontal inundation.
Sub-CLO8 Being able to create a thematic poster relevant to tsunami hazards and present it on the basis of video clip presentation.
- Ward, S. N. 2011. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics: Tsunami. Edited by Harsh K. Gupta. National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI). Council 52 of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 1-1539. e-ISBN: 978-90-481-8702-7.
- Kundu, P. K. and Cohen, I. M. 2002. Fluid Mechanics. 2nd Edition. San Diego, US: Academic Press, pp. 1-730. ISBN-13: 978-0121782511.
- Pain, H. J. 2005. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves. 6th Edition. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1-557. ISBN: 978-0-470-01295-6.
- Sorensen, R. M. 2006. Basic Coastal Engineering. 3rd Edition. New Delhi, India: Springer US, pp. 1-324. e-ISBN: 978-0-387-23333-8.
- Levin, B. W. and Nosov, M. A. 2016. Physics of Tsunamis. 2nd Edition. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 1-388. eISBN: 978-3-319-24037-4.
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