Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2021/2022 Gasal | |||
Azas Manajemen | Principles in Management | 3 | |
Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 2 | |
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN | Physical Education and Fitness | 2 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Pengantar Administrasi Publik | Introduction of Public Administration | 3 | |
Sistem Administrasi Negara | Public Administration System | 3 | |
Teori Organisasi | Organizational Theory | 3 | |
Periode 2021/2022 Genap | |||
Agama Islam | Islamic Religion Education | 2 | |
Governansi Digital | Digital Governance | 3 | |
Hukum Administrasi Negara | Public Administration Law | 3 | |
Kebijakan Publik | Public Polcy | 3 | |
Kepemimpinan | Leadership | 3 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
LITERASI DIGITAL | Digital Literacy | 2 | |
Perilaku Organisasi | Organizational Behavior | 3 | |
Statistik Sosial | Statistics in social Sciences | 3 | |
Periode 2022/2023 Gasal | |||
Administrasi Pemerintahan Daerah | Local Government Administration | 2 | |
Analisis Jabatan | Job Analysis | 2 | |
Analisis Kebijakan | Policy Analysis | 3 | |
Birokrasi dan Governansi Publik | Bureaucracy and Public Governance | 3 | |
Etika Administrasi Publik | Administrative Ethics | 3 | |
Evaluasi Kebijakan | Evaluation Policy | 2 | |
Hubungan Masyarakat | Public Relation | 2 | |
Kewirausahaan | Entrepreneurship | 2 | |
Manajemen Konflik | Conflict Resolution | 2 | |
Manajemen Sdm Sektor Publik | Human Resources Management in Public Sector | 3 | |
Periode 2022/2023 Genap | |||
Kebijakan Lingkungan Hidup | Environmental Policy | 2 | |
Keuangan Negara | 3 | ||
Komunikasi dan Advokasi Kebijakan | 3 | ||
Manajemen Pelayanan Publik | 3 | ||
Metode Penelitian Administrasi | Research Methodology on Administration | 4 | |
Pengambilan Keputusan | Decision Making | 3 | |
Seminar Administrasi Negara | Seminar on Public Administration | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Gasal | |||
KKN Proyek Desa Evaluasi Program | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pelaksanaan Program | 4 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pendesiminasian Program | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pengembangan Laporan | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pengembangan Perangkat | 4 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Perancangan Program | 3 | ||
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Administrasi Perkantoran | Office Administration | 3 | |
Kebijakan Manajemen Pendidikan | Policy of Education Management | 3 | |
Kerja Sama Antar Daerah | Inter-Local Governmental Cooperation | 2 | |
Manajemen Bencana | Disaster Management | 2 | |
Perencanaan Sdm | Human Resources Planning | 2 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2021/2022 Gasal | 18 | 18 |
2021/2022 Genap | 24 | 42 |
2022/2023 Gasal | 24 | 66 |
2022/2023 Genap | 20 | 86 |
2023/2024 Gasal | 20 | 106 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 12 | 118 |
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