NIM Student ID : 22080574023
Program Studi Study Program : Manajemen
Mata Kuliah Course SKS
   Periode 2022/2023 Gasal
Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian 2
Matematika Ekonomi Mathematics for Economics 3
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN Physical Education and Fitness 2
Pancasila Pancasila 2
Pengantar Akuntansi Introduction to Accounting 3
Pengantar Bisnis Introduction to Bussiness 3
Pengantar Teori Ekonomi Introduction to Economics Theory 2
Statistik I Statistics I 3
   Periode 2022/2023 Genap
Agama Islam Islamic Religion Education 2
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis English for Business 2
Kewarganegaraan Civics 2
LITERASI DIGITAL Digital Literacy 2
Pengantar Manajemen Introduction to Management 3
Statistik II Statistic II 3
Te Makro Macroeconomics Theory 3
Te Mikro Microeconomics Theory 3
   Periode 2023/2024 Gasal
Akuntansi Biaya Cost Accounting 3
Bisnis Internasional International Business 3
Ekonomi Manajerial Managerial Economics 3
Ekonomi Moneter Monetary Economics 3
Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship 2
Operational Research Operations Research 3
Perpajakan Taxation 3
Psikologi Industri Industrial Psychology 2
   Periode 2023/2024 Genap
Akuntansi Manajemen Management Accounting 3
E-Commerce e-Commerce   3
Manajemen Keuangan Financial Management 3
Manajemen Operasional Operations Management 3
Manajemen Pemasaran Marketing Management 3
Manajemen Sdm Human Resource Management 3
Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
Perilaku Organisasi Organizational Behavior 3
   Periode 2024/2025 Gasal
ANALISA LAPORAN KEUANGAN Financial Statement Analysis 3
  Semester   SKS SKS TT
  2022/2023 Gasal 20   20  
  2022/2023 Genap 20   40  
  2023/2024 Gasal 22   62  
  2023/2024 Genap 24   86  
  2024/2025 Gasal 3   89  

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