Mata Kuliah Pengantar Bisnis (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
  • Matakuliah pengantar bisnis membahas tentang konsep bisnis secara umum dalam era global dengan risk dan return bisnis yang harus dihadapi pelaku bisnis, jenis usaha dan bentuk-bentuk badan usaha, rencana bisnis dan lingkungan bisnis yang dapat dijabarkan dalam SWOT analisis, konsep etika bisnis dan tanggungjawab sosial dari para pelaku bisnis, konsep manajemen dan organisasi serta aspek bisnis dalam bidang pemasaran, operasional, sumberdaya manusia dan keuangan yang selanjutnya dirangkai dalam sistem informasi manajemen. Metode perkuliahan dilakukan dengan presentasi dan diskusi serta observasi ke UMKM.
  • The introduction to business course discusses general business concepts in the global era with business risks and returns that must be faced by business actors, types of business and forms of business entities, business plans and business environment which can be described in SWOT analysis, concepts of business ethics and social responsibility. from business people, management and organizational concepts as well as business aspects in the fields of marketing, operations, human resources, and finance which are further sequenced in the management information system. The lecture method is carried out by presentations and discussions as well as observations to SMEs.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Students can show an attitude of responsibility for their profession in their expertise independently and in groups. (PLO4)
  2. Students can make correct decisions in solving problems in their expertise. (PLO 9)
  3. Students can internalize academic values, norms, and ethics in implementing their assignments. (PLO 1)
  4. Students can show an attitude of responsibility for their profession in their expertise independently and in groups. (CLO 1)
  5. Students can make correct decisions in solving problems in their expertise. (CLO 2)
  6. Students can internalize academic values, norms, and ethics in implementing their assignments. (CLO 3)
  7. Sub CLO 1: Students are able to assess the business environment properly. (CLO 3)
  8. Sub CLO 2: Students are able to assess business and entrepreneurial ownership properly (CLO 2, CLO 3)
  9. Sub CLO 3: Students are able to analyze both management and organization. (CLO 1, CLO 3)
  10. Sub CLO 4: Students are able to assess human resources and marketing properly (CLO 2, CLO 3)
  11. Sub CLO 5: Students are able to study information, accounting and finance properly (CLO 2)
  12. Sub CLO 6: Students are able to formulate a comprehensive business plan. (CLO 1, CLO 3)
Sumber Rujukan :
  1. William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor. 2014. Business, Twelfth Edition. USA: South Western Cengage Learning.
  2. Eko Purwanto. 2020. Pengantar Bisnis Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Purwokerto Selatan: Sasanti Institute.

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