Mata Kuliah Perilaku Organisasi (3 SKS)
Organizational Behavior is a discipline that studies individual and group-level behavior in organizations and their impact on performance (both organizational, group or individual performance). Organizational behavior is also known as the study of organizations. The study is a specialized academic field of study that studies organizations, utilizing methods from sociology, economics, political science, anthropology and psychology. Other disciplines related to the science of human resources and industrial psychology.The scope of the discussion includes the basic concepts of organizational behavior,Individual Diversity in Organizations, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Emotions and Moods. Personality and values, Perception and decision making, Concepts of motivation and application of motivation, Group behavior and teamwork, The role of communication in organizations, Leadership theories, Political power and behavior, Conflict, negotiation and stress management, Organizational culture, organizational structure and change organizational
- Mampu memahami konsep dasar perilaku organisasi (Able to understand the basic concepts of organizational behavior)
- Mampu memahami tentang Keragaman Individu dalam Organisasi (Able to understand about Individual Diversity in Organizations)
- Mampu memahami tentang Sikap dan Kepuasan Kerja (Able to understand about Attitude and Job Satisfaction)
- Mampu memahami tentang Emosi, Suasana hati, Kepribadian dan nilai (Able to understand about Emotions, Moods, Personality and values)
- Mampu memahami tentang persepsi dan pengambilan keputusan (Able to understand about perception and decision making)
- Mampu memahami tentang Motivasi dan Teori Motivasi (Able to understand about Motivation and Motivation Theory)
- Mampu mengkaji tentang Perilaku Kelompok dan kerja tim (Able to assess group behavior and teamwork)
- Mampu memahami peran komunikasi bagi efektifitas pencapaian tujuan organisasi (Able to understand the role of communication for the effectiveness of achieving organizational goals)
- Mampu memahami teori-teori kepemimpinan dan berbagai isu dalam kepemimpinan (Able to understand leadership theories and various issues in leadership)
- Mampu memahami tentang kekuasaan dan perilaku politik (Able to understand about power and political behavior)
- Mampu memahami desain struktur organisasi yang tepat (Able to understand the proper organizational structure design.)
- Mampu memahami tentang lingkungan dan budaya organisasi (Able to understand about the environment and organizational culture)
- Mampu memahami tentang manajemen Stres, konflik dan Negosiasi dalam organisasi (Able to understand about the management of stress, conflict and negotiations in the organization)
- Mampu memahami tentang Perubahan dan Pengembangan Organisasi (Able to understand about Organizational Change and Development)
- Soetopo, Hendyat. 2012. Perilaku Organisasi . Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
- Suwarto, FX. 2013. Perilaku Keorganisasian . Yogyakarta: Universitas Atma Jaya.
- Thoha, Miftah.2009.Perilaku Organisasi :Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Jakarta :Rajawali Pers.
- mam Wahjono, Sentot. 2010. Perilaku Organisasi. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu.
- Stephen P. Robbins. 2016. Organizational Behavior 15th edition. London : Pearson Education Inc.
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