Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2018/2019 Gasal | |||
Agama Islam | Islamic Religion Education | 2 | |
Aplikasi Komputer | Applications Computer | 2 | |
Bahasa Daerah | Local Language | 2 | |
Bahasa Inggris | English Language | 3 | |
Keterampilan Berbicara | Speaking Skills | 2 | |
Keterampmenyimak | 2 | ||
Pengantar Filologi | Introduction to Philology | 2 | |
Pengantar Linguistik | Introduction to Linguistics | 2 | |
Psikologi Pendidikan | Educational Psychology | 2 | |
Sejarah Sastra | Literature History | 2 | |
Periode 2018/2019 Genap | |||
Apresiasi Prosa | Prose Appreciation | 2 | |
Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan | Sociology of Family | 3 | |
Filsafat Ilmu | Philosophy of Sciences | 2 | |
Fonologi | Phonology | 2 | |
Keterampilan Membaca | Reading Skills | 2 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Teori Belajar | Learning Theories | 3 | |
Teori Sastra | Theory of Literature | 4 | |
Periode 2019/2020 Gasal | |||
Apresiasi Puisi | Poetry Appreciation | 2 | |
Bahasa Bantu(Bahasa Jawa Kuna) | Old Javanese | 3 | |
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (Iad) | Basic Natural Science | 2 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
Morfologi | Morphology | 4 | |
Penulisan Karya Ilmiah | Academic Writing | 2 | |
Statistika | Statistics | 2 | |
Strategi Pembelajaran | Instructional Strategy | 2 | |
Telaah Kurikulum Sekolah | Curriculum Analysis | 3 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Gasal | |||
Analisis Wacana | Discourse Analysis | 2 | |
Desain Instruksional | 3 | ||
Jurnalistik | Journalism | 2 | |
Kebudayaan dalam Pengajaran BIPA | 2 | ||
Kewirausahaan | Entrepreneurship | 2 | |
Korespondensi | Corespondence* | 2 | |
Kritik Sastra | Literary Criticism | 2 | |
Pembelajaran Inovatif II | Innovative and Learning II | 3 | |
Penulisan Prosa | Prose Writing | 2 | |
Psikolinguistik | Psikolinguistics | 2 | |
Semantik | Semantics | 2 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Genap | |||
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kkn) | Community Service Program | 3 | |
Metodologi Penelitian Bahasa (MPB)** | Language Research Methods** | 2 | |
Pengembangan Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia | Developing Indonesian Text Books | 4 | |
Penulisan dan pementasan drama | Writing and Performing Drama | 4 | |
Sosiolinguistik | Sosiolinguistics | 2 | |
Sosiologi Sastra | sociology of literature | 2 | |
micro teaching | Microteaching | 2 | |
Periode 2021/2022 Genap | |||
Pembelajaran BIPA Tingkat Lanjut | 2 | ||
Periode 2022/2023 Genap | |||
Apresiasi Drama | Drama Appreciation | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Gasal | |||
Metode Penelitian | Reseach Methods | 3 | |
Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan | Education Research Methodology | 3 | |
Sintaksis | Syntax | 4 | |
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Asesmen Proses dan Hasil Belajar | Assessment and Evaluation | 3 | |
Bahasa Arab | Arabic Language | 3 | |
Bahasa Sanskerta | Sanskrit | 3 | |
Grafologi** | Graphology** | 2 | |
Kepewaraan** | Conducting Ceremony** | 2 | |
Pembelajaran Inovatif I | Innovative Learning I | 3 | |
Skripsi | Thesis | 6 | |
Supervisi Pembelajaran | Learning Supervision | 2 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2018/2019 Gasal | 21 | 21 |
2018/2019 Genap | 20 | 41 |
2019/2020 Gasal | 22 | 63 |
2020/2021 Gasal | 24 | 87 |
2020/2021 Genap | 19 | 106 |
2021/2022 Genap | 2 | 108 |
2022/2023 Genap | 2 | 110 |
2023/2024 Gasal | 10 | 120 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 24 | 144 |
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