Mata Kuliah Curriculum & Syllabus IN ELT (3 SKS)
This course is designed to make students have a comprehensive and holistic understanding about kinds and types of curriculum or syllabus in language education, especially English. Finishing this course, the students are expected to comprehend how curriculum or syllabus is developed and applied. The students are also required to critically analyze the changes of curriculum since curriculum should be reviewed and revised to fulfil the development of theory of teaching and learning English and also society demand. In addition, students are also to be able to identify issues about curriculum in national and global perspective.
1) To utilize science and technology as a tool to access the history of the development of school curriculum and syllabus for English subjects in Indonesia and access theories related to the development of English education curriculum in Indonesia.
2) To master knowledge about the process of developing English education curriculum in Indonesia and its syllabus, including: needs and situational analyses, stating goals and instructional objectives, choosing a syllabus framework, providing for effective teaching and instructional materials development (the link between syllabus and audience).
3) To implement a simulation of the development of the English education curriculum in Indonesia and its syllabus according to the theory of the development of the English education curriculum and the recent history of its development in Indonesia.
4) To be responsible for implementing simulation development of English education curriculum in Indonesia and its syllabus according to the theory of curriculum development for language and literature education.
Richards, J.C. 2019. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching (second edition). Cambridge: CUP.
Braine, G. (Ed.). 2014. Teaching English to the world: History, curriculum, and practice. New York: Routledge.
Nation, I. S., & Macalister, J. 2009. Language curriculum design. New York: Routledge.
Brown, J. D. 1995. The elements of language curriculum: A systematic approach to program development. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Brown, H. D., & Lee, H. 2015. Chapter 9 Curriculum and Course Design, Chapter 10 Lesson Planning in Teaching by Principles (pp.178-218). Melbourne: Pearson Education Australia.
Dick, W. Carey, L. & Carey, J. 2015. The systematic design of instruction (sixth edition). Boston: Pearson.
Brown, A. H. & Green, T.D. 2016. The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice (Third Edition). New York: Routledge.
Moore, A. 2014. Understanding the School Curriculum: Theory, politics and principles. New York: Routledge.
Hunkins, F. P., & Ornstein, A. C. 2016. Curriculum: Foundations, principles, and issues. New York: Pearson Education.
Jacobs, H.H. 2010. Curriculum 21: Essential education for a changing world. Virginia: ASCD.
Musumeci, D. 2011. History of language teaching. In Long, M. H., & Doughty, C. J. (Eds.). The handbook of language teaching (Vol. 63). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Keputusan Kepala Badan Standar, Kurikulum, Dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Nomor 008/H/Kr/2022 Tentang Capaian Pembelajaran Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar, Dan Jenjang Pendidikan Menengah Pada Kurikulum Merdeka.
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