Mata Kuliah ELT Research Methodology (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This course is designed to assist students to have the knowledge of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-research methods in English language teaching and learning, identify the quality of (reviewing) a research report, learn how to plan a research project proposal and more specifically to learn how to conduct a research project for their thesis, and have a positive attitude towards scientific activities. The contents cover research problems, assumptions and hypotheses, experimental designs, descriptive designs, instrument development, sampling, subject and object of quantitative research, data collection, validity and reliability, data analysis, characteristics of qualitative research methodology, characteristics and types of mixed-research methods. In this course, the students are also introduced to statistics, and computer assisted qualitative data analysis, such as SPSS and NVIVO, to analyze data. In addition, the students will learn how to report quantitative, qualitative and mixed research. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on application of Education research methodology in students’ research proposal. This course uses Project-Based Learning.

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