Mata Kuliah Material Development IN ELT (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This course is designed to make the students comprehend the way how to develop teaching learning material and its media. This course covers the theory and aspects of developing teaching learning material and its media in English teaching and learning. The materials developed include hand out, textbook, PPT presentation, and also online teaching learning materials. This course also discusses the authenticity or local value loaded materials. Before having the ability to develop the teaching learning materials, the students should critically analyze the existing teaching learning materials. In this course, the students have the opportunity to develop his/her own language learning materials for their language course as a final project of the semester. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of developing English language learning materials. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. to utilize information technology for developing ELT materials and their media at any levels of education.
  2. to have knowledge of the principles and frameworks of ELT materials development.
  3. to apply the principles and frameworks of ELT Materials development into a tangible form and media.
  4. to show responsibility in developing ELT materials and media for the specified educational level.
Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Azarnoosh, M., Zeraatpishe, M., Faravani, A., & Kargozari, H.R. (Eds). 2016. Issues in materials development. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  2. Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). 2011. Materials development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Widodo, H.P., Perfecto, M.R., Van Canh, L. & Buripakdi, A. 2018. Situating Moral and Cultural Values in ELT Materials. London: Springer.
  4. Chan, W. M., Chin, K. N., Nagami, M., & Suthiwan, T. (Eds.). 2011. Media in foreign language teaching and learning Vol 5. London: Walter de Gruyter.
  5. Smaldino, S., Lother, D., & Russel, J. 2019. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 12th Ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
  6. Martin, F., & Betrus, A.K. 2019. Digital Media for Learning. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
  7. Mishan, F & Timmis, I. 2015. Materials development for TESOL. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  8. Norton, J., & Buchanan, H. (Eds.). 2022. The Routledge handbook of materials development for language teaching. London: Routledge.

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