NIM Student ID : 18020104054
Program Studi Study Program : Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang
Mata Kuliah Course SKS
   Periode 2018/2019 Gasal
Agama Islam Islamic Religion Education 2
Bahasa Inggris English Language 3
Filsafat Ilmu Philosophy of Sciences 2
Pengantar Linguistik Introduction to Linguistics 2
Psikologi Pendidikan Educational Psychology 2
Shokyu Dokkai Reading (Elementary Level) 2
Shokyu Hyoki Japanese Writing (Elementary Level)# 3
Shokyu Nihongo Japanese (Elementary Level) 3
   Periode 2018/2019 Genap
Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian 2
Dasar - Dasar Kependidikan Basics of Education 3
Nihon Kyoiku Rekishi History of Japan Education 2
Nihon Shakai To Bunka Japanese Society and Culture System 2
Pancasila Pancasila 2
Shokyu Dokkai Oyo Applied of Japanese Reading (Elementary Level) 2
Shokyu Hyoki Oyo Applied of Japanese Writing (Elementary Level) 3
Shokyu Nihongo Oyo Applied of Japanese (Elementary Level) 3
Teori Belajar Learning Theories 3
   Periode 2019/2020 Gasal
Chukyu Chokai Listening (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Dokkai Reading (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Hyoki Japanese Writing (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Nihongo Japanese (Intermediate Level) 3
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (Iad) Basic Natural Science 2
Kewarganegaraan Civics 2
Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship 2
Nihon Bungaku Gairon Introduction of Japanese Literature 2
Shokyu Hanashikata Speaking Comprehension (Elementary Level) 2
Telaah Kurikulum Sekolah Curriculum Analysis 3
   Periode 2019/2020 Genap
Chujokyu Chokai Listening (Pre-Advance Level) 2
Chukyu Dokkai Oyo Applied of Japanese Reading (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Hanashikata Speaking Comprehension (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Hyoki Oyo Applied of Japanese Writing (Intermediate Level) 2
Chukyu Nihongo Oyo Applied of Japanese (Intermediate Level) 3
Chukyu Sakubun Writing Composition (Intermediate Level) 2
Ibunka Komyunikeshion Crossculture communication 2
Imiron Semantics 2
Media Pembelajaran Learning of Media 2
Pembelajaran Inovatif Inovative Learning 3
Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan I Internship I 1
   Periode 2020/2021 Gasal
Asesmen Proses dan Hasil Belajar Assessment and Evaluation 3
Chujokyu Dokkai Reading (Pre-Advance Level) 2
Chujokyu Hanashikata Speaking Comprehension (Pre-Advance Level) 2
Chujokyu Nihongo Japanese (Pre-advance Level)* 2
Chujokyu Sakubun Writing Composition (Pre-Advance Level) 2
Jokyu Chokai Listening (Advance Level) 2
Jokyu Hyoki Japanese Writing (Advance Level) 2
Oyo Gengogaku Applied Linguistics 2
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Instrumen of Teaching Development 3
Shakai Gengogaku Sociolinguistics 2
Tokeigaku Statistic 2
   Periode 2020/2021 Genap
Bijinesu Nihongo Japanese Business 2
Chujokyu Nihongo Oyo Applied of Japanese (Pre-Advance Level) 3
Jokyu Dokkai Reading (Advance Level) 2
Jokyu Hyoki Oyo Applied of Japanese Writing (Advance Level) 2
Joukyu Hanashikata Speaking Comprehension (Advance Level) 2
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kkn) Community Service Program 3
Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Education Research Methodology  3
Microteaching Microteaching 2
Nihon Bungaku Kenkyu Study on Japanese Literature 2
Nihon Gengogaku Japanese Linguistics 2
   Periode 2021/2022 Gasal
Honyaku Translation 2
Jokyu Nihongo Japanese (Advance Level) 2
Manga Nihongo Kenkyu Study on Japanese Manga 2
Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) Student Teaching Apprenticeship 3
Shokyu Sakubun Writing Composition (Elementary Level) 2
   Periode 2021/2022 Genap
Skripsi Thesis 6
  Semester   SKS SKS TT
  2018/2019 Gasal 19   19  
  2018/2019 Genap 22   41  
  2019/2020 Gasal 22   63  
  2019/2020 Genap 23   86  
  2020/2021 Gasal 24   110  
  2020/2021 Genap 23   133  
  2021/2022 Gasal 11   144  
  2021/2022 Genap 6   150  

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