Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2018/2019 Gasal | |||
Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 2 | |
Dasar - Dasar Kependidikan | Basics of Education | 3 | |
Dasar-dasar Antropoligi Budaya | Basic of Cultural Anthropology | 2 | |
Dasar-dasar Ekonomi | Basic of Economy | 2 | |
Dasar-dasar Geografi | Basic of Geography | 2 | |
Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik | Basic of Political Science | 2 | |
Dasar-dasar Sejarah | Basic of History | 2 | |
Dasar-dasar Sosiologi | Basic of Sociology | 2 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Periode 2018/2019 Genap | |||
Agama Islam | Islamic Religion Education | 2 | |
Bahasa Inggris | English Language | 3 | |
Filsafat Pendidikan IPS | Educational Philosophy of Social Science | 2 | |
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (Iad) | Basic Natural Science | 2 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
Psikologi Pendidikan | Educational Psychology | 2 | |
Teori Ilmu Geografi | Geography Theory | 3 | |
Teori Politik | Political Science Theory | 3 | |
Teori Sejarah | Historical Theory | 3 | |
Periode 2019/2020 Gasal | |||
Asesemen Proses dan Hasil Belajar | Assesment | 3 | |
Media Pembelajaran | Learning of Media | 2 | |
Pengembangan Kepribadian | Personality Development | 2 | |
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPS | Learning Tool Development of Social Sciense | 3 | |
Telaah Kurikulum IPS | Studiy of Social Sciences Curriculum | 3 | |
Teori Belajar | Learning Theories | 3 | |
Teori Ilmu Ekonomi | Economic Theory | 3 | |
Teori Sosial dan Budaya | Social Cultural Theory | 3 | |
Periode 2019/2020 Genap | |||
Komunikasi Pedagogik | Pedagogic Communication | 2 | |
Metodologi dan Metode Penelitian | Research Methodology and Methods | 4 | |
Pembelajaran Inovatif I | Innovative Learning I | 3 | |
Pendidikan Lingkungan | Environmental Education | 3 | |
Pendidikan Multikultur | Multicultural Education | 3 | |
Pendidikan Nilai dan karakter | Character and Value Education | 3 | |
Pendidikan Transformatif | Transformative Education | 3 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Gasal | |||
Geografi Kesejarahan Indonesia | Indonesian Historical Geography | 2 | |
Kajian Budaya Lokal | Local Culture Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Ekonomi, Sosial, Pendidikan, Budaya, dan Politik dalam Prespektif Keberlanjutan dan Perubahan | Social, Economic, Politic and Cultural Sustainability and Change Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Masalah Ekonomi Mikro dan Makro | Micro and Macro Scope Economic Problems | 3 | |
Kajian Masalah Sosial dan Ketenagakerjaan | Social and Employment Problems Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Pembangunan Pedesaan dan Perkotaan | Rural and Urban Developmental Studies | 3 | |
Pembelajaran Inovatif II | Innovative and Learning II | 3 | |
Statistik Pendidikan | Statistics of Education | 3 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Genap | |||
KKN | Community Service Program | 3 | |
Kajian Kemaritiman | Maritime Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Kewirausahaan dan Ekonomi Kreatif | Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Pembangunan Ekonomi, Lembaga Keuangan, dan Perdagangan | Economic Development, Financial Institution and Trade Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Politik Pendidikan | Education Politics Studies | 3 | |
Microteaching | Microteaching | 2 | |
Seminar Pendidikan IPS | Social Science Education Seminar | 3 | |
Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah | Scientific Writing Techniques | 3 | |
Periode 2021/2022 Gasal | |||
Kajian Bencana Alam | Natural Disaster Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Entitas, Nasionalisme, dan Integrasi Bangsa | Ethnicity, Nationalism and National Integration Studies | 3 | |
Kajian Pembangunan Politik, Demokrasi dan Hubungan Internasional | Political Development, Democracy and International Relation Studies | 3 | |
Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) | Student Teaching Apprenticeship | 4 | |
Teknologi Pembelajaran IPS | Instructional Technology of Social Science | 2 | |
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Skripsi | Thesis | 6 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2018/2019 Gasal | 19 | 19 |
2018/2019 Genap | 22 | 41 |
2019/2020 Gasal | 22 | 63 |
2019/2020 Genap | 22 | 85 |
2020/2021 Gasal | 23 | 108 |
2020/2021 Genap | 23 | 131 |
2021/2022 Gasal | 15 | 146 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 6 | 152 |
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