Mata Kuliah Manajemen Operasional (3 SKS)
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang konsep dasar produksi dan operasional, 10 keputusan strategis manajemen operasional untuk mencapai keunggulan bersaing, konsep dasar perencanaan produk, lokasi, tata letak, kapasitas, proses, persedianan, supply chain management, maintanence, sumber daya manusia, kualitas dan manajemen proyek. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan dengan sistem ceramah, diskusi, studi kasus, dan presentasi.
- Course Description
This course discusses the basic concepts of production and operations, 10 strategic decisions of operational management to achieve competitive advantage, basic concepts of product planning, location, layout, capacity, process, inventory, supply chain management, maintenance, human resources, quality and management. project. Lectures are carried out with a system of lectures, discussions, case studies, and presentations.
- Memanfaatkan sumber belajar dan TIK untukmendukung pencapaian kompetensi mahasiswa terkait dengan kegiatan operasionalperusahaan baik manufaktur maupun jasa
- Mampu memahami konsep dansubstansi aktivitas-aktivitas sistem operasional yang dilakukan dalam suatuorganisasi
- Bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan secaramandiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok,komunikatif, estetis, etis,apresiatif dan partisipatif.
Learning Outcomes
- Utilizing learning resources and ICT to support the achievement of student competencies related to the companys operational activities, both manufacturing and services
- Able to understand the concept and substance of operational system activities carried out in an organization
- Responsible for work independently and can be given responsibility for achieving the results of group work, communicative, aesthetic, ethical, appreciative and participatory.
- Heizer, Jay, Barry Render, OperationManagement, Ninth Edition: Book I and Book II, 2011, Upper Saddle River New Jersey:Prentice Hall, Inc.
- Stevenson,J. Steven, Sum Chee Choung. Manajemen Operasi Buku I dan II. 2014. Mc. Graw Hill
- Sofjan Assauri, Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, EdisiRevisi. 2008. LPFEUI4. Anderson, R. David, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams. An Introduction to Management Science, Quantitative Approaches toDecision Making. 2013. Thomson Learning
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