Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2023/2024 Gasal | |||
Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 2 | |
Fisika Teknik | Physics For Engineering | 2 | |
Ilmu Bahan | Materials Science | 2 | |
Kimia Teknik | Engineering for Chemistry | 2 | |
Landasan Pendidikan | Principles of Education | 2 | |
Matematika Teknik | 2 | ||
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN | Physical Education and Fitness | 2 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Pengetahuan Alat Ukur | Knowledge of Measuring Instruments | 2 | |
Teknologi Mekanik | Mechanics Technology | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Genap | |||
Agama Islam | Islamic Religion Education | 2 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
Kinematika dan Dinamika | Kinematics and Dynamics | 2 | |
LITERASI DIGITAL | Digital Literacy | 2 | |
Mekanika Fluida | Fluid Mechanics | 2 | |
Pompa Kompresor | Pump and Compressor | 2 | |
Strategi Pembelajaran | Instructional Strategy | 2 | |
Teknik Pemesinan | Machining Techniques | 2 | |
Teknologi Pengelasan | Welding Technology | 2 | |
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
AI dalam Pembelajaran Kejuruan | 2 | ||
Elemen Mesin Produksi | Production Machine Element | 2 | |
Mekanika Teknik | Technic Mechanics | 2 | |
Menggambar Teknik Produksi | Production Engineering Drawing | 2 | |
Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 3 | |
Pesawat Kerja | Work Device | 2 | |
Praktek Kerja Plat dan Tempa | Practical of Sheet Metal and Forging | 2 | |
Praktek Permesinan | Machining Practicum | 3 | |
Teknik Pembentukan dan Pengecoran Logam | 2 | ||
Teori Belajar | Learning Theories | 2 | |
Termodinamika | Thermodynamics | 2 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2023/2024 Gasal | 20 | 20 |
2023/2024 Genap | 20 | 40 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 24 | 64 |
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