Mata Kuliah Translation: Theory AND Practice (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This course guides the students to the principles and practices of translating selected texts from English into Bahasa Indonesian or vice versa. It includes the major issues in the process of translation and producing translated products of various texts from English into Indonesian and vice verse . In the end of the course, each student is expected to produce a translated book chapter. This course will be conducted through several methods such as discussion, presentation and lecture.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
1. Being able to understand the theoretical bases from English into Bahasa Indonesia or vice versa. 2. Being able to apply the principles and procedures of translation into the selected texts. 3. Being able to analyse the translated texts based on the methods, techniques, and procedures of translation. 4. Being able to be responsible for the originality of the translation result.
Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Baker, Mona. 2011. In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation. Second Edition. London: Routledge.
  2. Davies, Maria Gonzales. 2004. Multiple Voices in the Translation Classroom: Activities, Tasks, and Projects. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  3. Hatim, Basil, and Jeremy, Munday. 2004. Translation: an Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge.
  4. Nolan, James. 2005. Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

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