Mata Kuliah Childrens Literature (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This subject will provide an overview the history of children’s literature with a discussion of major authors, explore various ideas conveyed in the texts, context of children’s fiction, contributors and an emphasis on contemporary literature for children among language, theory, politics, and ideology which is giving contribution in the text. This covers examining the ideologies embedded in the texts as well as the ideologies that guide our culture, particularly in terms of children (the literature student read) and carrying out an analysis in an essay. The class activities will be modified with lecturing, group discussion, presentation, and assignment.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
Introducing and understanding Basic Course outline and Regulation
Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Styles, Morag.1998. From The Garden to The Street An Introduction to 300 Years of Poetry for Children . London: Cassel
  2. Hunt, Peter. 1992. Literature For Children Contemporary Criticism . London: Routledge
  3. MacCann, Donnarea. 2002. White Supermacy in Children Literature . London: Routledge
  4. Anderson, Graham. 2000. Fairytales in The Ancient World .. London: Routledge
  5. Casement, Rose. 2008. Black History in The Pages of Childrend’s Literature . Toronto: The Scarecrow Press. Inc.
  6. Hoeper, Jeffrey D. dan James Pickering. 1990. Poetry: An Introduction. New York: McMillan
  7. Kirkpatrick, Laurence A. Dan William W. Goodfellow. 1980. Poetry with Pleasure. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons
  8. Hunt, Peter. 1992. Literature for Children . New York: Routledge.
  9. Grenby, M.O. 2008. Children’s Literature . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  10. Grenby, M.O. 1999. Understanding Children’s Literature . New York: Routledge
  11. Seuling, Barbara. 2005. Write A Childrens Book and Get It Published . New Jersey: John Wiley &Sons, Inc.
  12. Dils, Tracey E. 2009. You Can Write Childrens Books . Georgetown: Writers Digest Books

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