Mata Kuliah Creative Writing (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This subject is designed to make students have competence and performance in literary writing and journalistic writing. More practically, students understand how to write literary writing such as short-story writing and poem writing, and how to write journalistic writing such as travel writing and feature writing. In implementation, they are able to write literary and journalistic writings on a topic of their own choice.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  • Being able to identify creative writing genres, i.e literary works (in this case: prose & poetry) and journalistic works (travel & feature)
  • Being able to classify patterns and language use in each of the creative writing genres.
  • Being able to compose a piece of writing for each of the creative writing genres.
  • Being able to respect others during discussion and consultation.
Sumber Rujukan :
  • Booker, Christopher. 2004. The Seven Plots: Why We Tell Stories . New York: Continum.
  • Duncan, James and Derek Gregory. 2002. Writes of Passages: Reading Travel Writing . London & New York: Routledge.
  • Nugraha, Pepih. 2013. MenulisSosokSecaraInspiratif, Menarik, Unik. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
  • Sutejo&Kasnadi. 2006. MenulisKreatif: KiatCeptMenulisPuisidanCerpen . Yogyakarta: Terakata

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