Mata Kuliah Critical Reading (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This subject assists students to develop the critical thinking skills and to cultivate a critical response and reasoned point of view as basis for argument through the various genres of text the students read at university level. The materials covers (1) how to examine the evidence or arguments presented, (2) how to check out any influences on the evidence or arguments,(3) how to check out the limitation of focus, how to examine assumption or implications made and (4) what extent the students are prepared to accept the author&rsquos arguments, opinion, or conclusions. The students will also be required to respond to texts in written responses (summary, critical review and annotated bibliography). The classroom activities are conducted through group activities and classroom assignments.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Making use of critical thinking skills to identify, analyze, compare and evaluate information and ideas within texts
  2. Possessing knowledge of methods and strategies in reading texts critically
  3. Being able to manage critical thinking in response to the information and ideas ofthe textsin a form of summary, critical review and annotated bibliography
  4. Being responsible for their critical thinking in a form of summary, critical review and annotated bibiliography.
Sumber Rujukan :
  • Annunziata. Marco A. 2004. Five hundred one critical Reading questions. Brodway: Learning Express
  • Barnet, Sylvan & Bedau, H. 2014. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: A brief guide to argument. Boston:Bedford/St.Martins
  • Cottrell, Stella. 2005. Critical thinking skills: Developing effective analysis and arguments.Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan
  • Fairbairn, G. J., & Fairbairn, S. A. 2001. Reading at university: A guide for students. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Mickulecky, Beatrice S. 1996. Advanced reading Power. New York: Pearson Education

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