Mata Kuliah Discourse AND Multimodality (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This course is concerned with the study of human communication from a social-semiotic perspective. It includes context-related patterns of communication in language and other semiotic systems (such as gesture, image, and layout) and the ways in which such patterns occur across semiotic systems which are systematically related. The teaching-learning activities are conducted through presentation, discussion, question-answer, and assignment, which deal with a number of practical applications.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Recognise textual patterns associated with a number of commonly occurring genres in various contexts
  2. Identify systematic relationships between social context and discourse
  3. Identify patterns of meaning across different semiotic systems (e.g. language, image, layout) in specific communicative contexts
  4. Analyse the semiotic systems involved in specific acts of communication

Sumber Rujukan :
  1. Brown, Gillian and Yule, George. 1983. Discourse Analysis . USA: Cambridge University Press
  2. Huckin, Thomas. 2005. Critical Discourse Analysis in Functional Approaches to Written Text: Classroom Applications by Tom Miller . Washington DC: English Language Programs of United States Information Agency
  3. Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images: The grammar of visual design . London: Routledge.
  4. Gee, J. P. 1990. Social linguistics and literacies: Ideology in discourses . Hampshire: The Falmer Press.
  5. Goodman, S and Graddol, D. 1996. Redesigning English: New texts, new identities . London and New York: The Open University and Routledge.
  6. Kress, G., Jewitt, C., Bourne, J., Franks, A., Hardcastle, J., Jones, K., and Reid, E. 2005. English in urban classrooms: A multimodal perspective on teaching and learning. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
  7. Bateman, J. A. 2008. Multimodality and genre: A foundation for the systematic analysis of multimodal documents. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  8. Schiffrin.1994. Approaches to Discourse . UK: Blackwell.
  9. Miller, Tom.2005. Functional Approaches to Written Text: Classroom Applications. United States Information Agency.

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