Mata Kuliah English FOR Business Communication (3 SKS)
This subject describes the wide variety of strategic issues and effective practices of English communication between organizations and their constituencies. It includes the study of public opinion research, media relations, public communication campaigns, consumer identity, representational ethics, plan business documents, business letters translation & formatting, document purpose and audience, document drafting, written documentation editing and electronic communication. This subject also is essential to the success in private and public spheres. The teaching-learning activities are conducted through presentation, discussion, question-answer, and assignment, which dealt with a number of practical applications.
· Making use of Discourse Analysis theory to identify, analyze, compare and evaluate information and ideaswithin texts
· Possessing knowledge of methods and strategies in analyzing the text including Written and Spoken text
· Being able to manage critical thinking in response to the information and ideas of the texts in a form of spoken and written
· Being responsible for their critical thinking on a written and spoken text based on its context, speakers, listeners, socialstrata, social and art criticism · Making use of Discourse Analysis theory to identify, analyze, compare and evaluate information and ideaswithin texts
Littlejohn, A. 2005. Company to Company: A task-based approach to business emails, letters and faxes (4thed.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Flatley, Rentz. 2010. Business Communication 2e . UK:McGraw-Hill.
McLisky, Marie. 2011. English for Public Relations .UK: Garnett Publishing Ltd.
Newsom D & Haynes, J. Public Relations Writing, Form & Style , 9th Ed. Boston,MA: Wadsworth.
Newsom, D. & Haynes, J. The Public Relations Writing Exercise Book, 9th Ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.
Flatley, Rentz. 2010. Business Communication 2e . UK: McGraw-Hill.
YouTube: Steven R. Van Hook’s Video Library: How-To Marketing.
Kerr, Philip. 2014. Translation and Own-language Activities . UK: Cambridge.
Seitel, Fraser. P. 1998. The Practice of Public Relation .Upper Saddle River., New Jersey: Prentics Hall
Colina, Sonia. 2015. Fundamentals of Translation . UK: Cambridge.
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