Mata Kuliah Extrinsic Approaches TO Literature (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

The course is to give new ideas on how to explore literary works from the outer spaces of their diaphanous insights. In other words, literary works will be studied from their extrinsic side. The course offers approaches such as Psychology; Psycho-analysis; Sociology; Discourse Analysis (Foucauldian, Gramsci, and Piere Bordieu), Feminism, Ecocriticism, Postcolonialism and Gay and Lesbian Criticism. The design of the course enables the students to critically judge and evaluate works of literature from different perspectives and meanings through activities such as group discussion, note-taking, presentation and writing papers.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. Being able to apply the concepts of contemporary literary theories in analysing works of literature
  2. Being able to select the appropriate theories for analysing certain works of literature with respect to some different issues and tim
Sumber Rujukan :

  1. Brooks, Peter. H.B. Nisbet. Claude Rawson. 2008. The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism Volume 8 . Cambridge University Press Online: Cambridge
  2. Magedera, Ian. H. 2014. Outsider Biographies . Rodopi: Amsterdam (Literary and Biogrpahy)
  3. Purkiss, Diane. 2005. Literature, Gender,and Politics during The English War . Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (Literary and Gender)
  4. Zima, Petter, V. 2002. Deconstruction and Critical Theory . Continuum: London (Literary and Modernity)
  5. Greaney, Micheal. 2006. Contemporary Fiction and the Uses of Theory The Novel from Structuralism to Postmodernism . Palgrave Macmallian: London
  6. Morales, Helena. 2007. Classical Mythology A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press: New York.
  7. Gallop, Jane. 2011. The Deaths of The Author Reading and Writing in Time . Duke University Press: Durham.
  8. Schram, Dick. Gerard Steen. 2001. The Psychology and Sociology of Literature . John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam

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