Mata Kuliah Global AND Intercultural Communication (3 SKS)
This course is designed to lead students to examine their own cultural identities and your interactions with others. In addition to an examination of cultures around the globe, the course will examine the interactions of values, beliefs, traditions, identities, and contributions of non-dominant ethnic groups. Taking a communicative lens, the course will address how these cultural indicators manifest through communication and how cultures use communication in different ways. Through this course, the class hope to broaden your perspectives of live and people, and to build your capacity to adapt to a changing world by exploring perceptual differences.
1. comparing cultural values, beliefs, perceptions, and communication styles
2. producing blog entries on intercultural communication issues on the basis of social experiments or observations.
3. responding to texts on intercultural issues orally and in written
4. advocating cultural diversity in various interactions that involve different cultures.- Samovar, Larry A., 2012. Communication between Cultures . Singapore: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
- Selected movie clips
- Handouts from various sources
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