Mata Kuliah Indonesian Society AND Culture (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This subject is designed to make students have competence and performance in Ineondesian society and culture in general. It covers discussion on the concepts of individuals, community, society, nation—how they are related to gender, religion, citizen, identity, rural-urban society. For the implementation, students are expected to practice conducting an ethnographic field research based on a topic of their own choice. They must also make an ethographic report.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  • Possessing knowledge on the concept of Indonesian society and culture.
  • Being able to explain the concept of Indonesian society and culture meaningfully and appropriately in oral and written production in varied discourses.
  • Being responsible for using the concept of Indonesian society and culture meaningfully and appropriately in various contexts.
Sumber Rujukan :
  • Ihromi, T.O. 2000. Pokok-Pokok Antropologi Budaya, ed. 11 . Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia
  • Kuntjara, Esther. 2006. Penelitian Kebudayaan: Sebuah Panduan Praktis . Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu Refika Aditama.
  • Soelaiman, M. Munandar. 2001. Ilmu Sosial Dasar: T eori dan Konsep Ilmu Sosial ed. 4 . Bandung:
  • Sutrisno, Mudji dan Hendrar Putranto, ed. 2004. Hermeneutika Pascakolonial Soal Identitas . Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius.

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