Mata Kuliah Research Methodology IN Linguistics (3 SKS)
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This subject explores types and characteristics of various research methods for Linguistic filed. These covers: (1) the nature of quantitative and qualitative approaches: process of conducting research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches; (2) the steps in the process of research: from collecting data up until reporting and evaluating data; (3) research design: types and their characteristics. The classroom activities are conducted through presentation, discussion, question-answer, and assignment.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
CLO 1 : Being able to identify the types of research methods and related aspects to it.
CLO 2 : Being able to understand the concepts and theories of Research Methods in Linguistics.
CLO 3 : Being able to make a decision in selecting right research method when making proposal for Linguistics field. CLO 4 : Being responsible for (1) presenting topics related to Research Methods in Linguistic and (2) writing and presenting formal research proposal related to Linguistics
CLO 1 : Being able to identify the types of research methods and related aspects to it.
CLO 2 : Being able to understand the concepts and theories of Research Methods in Linguistics.
CLO 3 : Being able to make a decision in selecting right research method when making proposal for Linguistics field. CLO 4 : Being responsible for (1) presenting topics related to Research Methods in Linguistic and (2) writing and presenting formal research proposal related to Linguistics
Sumber Rujukan :
- Litosseliti, Lia (ed.). (2010). Research Methods in Linguistics . London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
- Wray, A., Trott, K., Bloomer, A., Reay, S., and Butler, C. (1998). Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language . People’s Republic of China: Edward Arnold.
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