Mata Kuliah Speaking FOR Debating (2 SKS)
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :
This course is designed to introduce the students the principles, practices, and concepts of speaking for debate. This course is mainly performance-based class activities with the major amount of class time is spent on public presentations, group interactions, and formal argument, persuasion, and debate practices. This course covers 1) lectures of introducing students of proficiency in public speaking and eloquence 2) discussion about debating, debating theories and formats e.g. Australasian, Asian, and British Parliamentary debate formats, constructive argumentation and the development of argumentative competence and 3) debating performance and how to judge/adjudicate debate.
Capaian Mata Kuliah :
- Applying speaking proficiency in debating practices and judging/adjudicating debating practices.
- Comprehending theories of constructive argumentation and the development of argumentative competence, and debating performance.
- Conducting precise procedures of debating practices in various debating formats, e.g. Asian and British Parliamentary Debating formats.
- Being responsible for performing debating practices based on the speakers’ roles about various selected topics/motions in debating sphere.
Sumber Rujukan :
- Freely, A.J. & Steinberg, D.L. 2009. Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making, 12th edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
- International Debate Education Association. 2007. The Debatabase Book: a Must-have Guide for Successful Debate, 3rd edition. New York: IDEA Press Book.
- Meany, J. & Shuster, K. 2002. Art, Argument and Advocacy: Mastering Parliamentary Debate. New York: International Debate Education Association.
- Various videos about public speaking and debate practices/rehearsals/competitions (YouTube and personal courtesies)
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