Mata Kuliah Subtitling (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

Subtitling course assists the students to comprehend and interprets the author’s meaning and other information which are not directly stated in the text. The materials of this course include (1) introducing what subtitling and dubbing is, (2) comprehending subtitling in different context on the television adv and several movies genre, (3) practicing in doing subtitling on the television adv and several movies genre using software, (4) analysing various context of the audio and visual works including relating the information into broader context. The activities in this course are conducted through group discussions, presentations, classroom assignment (project base), e.g. written summary, report, and analysis of the audiovisual.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :

Applying explicit and implicit reading texts in understanding subtitling meanings and producing subtitling.

Comprehending an understanding of subtitling in different forms (television adv, documentary/drama/horror/comedy).

Being precise on deciding meaning on subtitling whether explicit and implicit vocabularies, sentences and expressions.

Emphasizing on delivering meaning through subtitling and give a correct understanding on context.

Sumber Rujukan :

Pederson, Jan. 2011. Subtitling Norms for Television, An exploration focusing on extralinguistics cultural references. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Ivarsson, J. and Carroll, M. (1998). Subtitling . Simrishamn: TransEdit Linde, Zoe de and kay Neil. 1999.

T he Semiotics of Subtitling . London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. Cintas, Jorge Diaz, and Remael, Aline. 2007.

Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling, Translation Practices Esplained Routledge, Tylor & Francis Group. London and New York.

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