Mata Kuliah Thesis Proposal Writing (2 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

The course introduces the students to the steps of how to write a research proposal. In the first of half of the semester students learn to select a topic for their research, limit the scope of the study, write the rationale, formulate the research questions and the objectives of the study, and define the specific terms used in the study. During the second half of the semester, they will learn to write a review of related literature for the proposed topic which covers theoretical framework and state of the arts of the topic chosen. Classroom activities will be on the format of discussion, presentation in class seminar, lecturing, and full thesis proposal writing project.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
  1. To write a thesis proposal appropriately by utilizing available appropriate resources.
  2. To communicate the ideas of the intended study which cover the rationale, problems, research questions or hypotheses, variables (if any), and terms and to review critically relevant references, including previous related research, in order to present theoretical framework and state of the arts of the topic chosen.
  3. To make necessary decision when writing a thesis proposal which covers: the rationale, problems, research questions or hypotheses, variables (if any), and terms and to review critically relevant references, including previous related research, in order to present theoretical framework and state of the arts of the topic chosen.
  4. To be responsible for the implementation of the proposal in terms of the rationale, problems, research questions or hypotheses, variables (if any), and terms and to review critically relevant references, including previous related research, in order to present theoretical framework and state of the arts of the topic chosen when the proposed study is carried out.
Sumber Rujukan :
  • Academic Language and Literacy Development. 2012. Writing Proposal in Education. Clayton: Faculty of Education.
  • Hefferman, James A.W. dan John E. Lincoln. 1982. Writing College Handbook. New York: Norton & Co.
  • Kimberley, N., & Crosling, G. 2012. Student Q manual. Caulfield East, Vic: the Faculty of Business and Economics Monash University.
  • Kiszner, Laurie G. dan Stephen R. Mandell. 1983. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide. New York: St. Martin&rsquos.
  • Thomson Reuters. 2012. Endnote X6 Help.

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