NIM Student ID : 23020154005
Program Studi Study Program : Sastra Inggris
Mata Kuliah Course SKS
   Periode 2023/2024 Gasal
Agama Islam Islamic Religion Education 2
Essential Speaking Skills Essential Speaking Skills 2
Essential Writing Skills Essential Writing Skills 2
Indonesian Society and Culture Indonesian Society and Culture 2
Intensive Reading Skills Intensive Reading Skills 2
Introduction To Literature Introduction to Literature 3
LITERASI DIGITAL Digital Literacy 2
Listening for General Communication 2
Pronunciation Practice Pronunciation Practice 2
   Periode 2024/2025 Gasal
English Morphology and Syntax English Morphology and Syntax 3
English Phonology English Phonology 2
Essential English Grammar 2
Global and Intercultural Communication Global and Intercultural Communication 3
Kewarganegaraan Civics 2
Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship 2
Poetry Appreciation Poetry Appreciation 3
Prose Appreciation Prose Appreciation 3
Speaking for Debating Speaking for Debating 2
  Semester   SKS SKS TT
  2023/2024 Gasal 19   19  
  2024/2025 Gasal 22   41  

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