Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2023/2024 Gasal | |||
Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 2 | |
Dasar Algoritma dan Pemograman I | 2 | ||
Fisika Teknik I | Engineering for Physics I | 2 | |
Kalkulus I | Calculus I | 2 | |
Medan Elektromagnetik | Electromagnetic Field | 3 | |
Metode Numerik | Numerical Methods | 3 | |
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN | Physical Education and Fitness | 2 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Pengantar Teknik Elektro | Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Genap | |||
Agama Hindu | Hindu Religion Education | 2 | |
Dasar Algoritma dan Pemograman II | 2 | ||
FISIKA TEKNIK II | Engineering for Physics II | 2 | |
Kalkulus II | Calculus II | 2 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
LITERASI DIGITAL | Digital Literacy | 2 | |
Matematika Teknik I | Engineering Mathematics I | 3 | |
Praktikum Dasar Algoritma dan Pemograman I | 1 | ||
Praktikum Fisika Teknik I | Physics for Engineering Practicum I | 1 | |
Rangkaian Listrik I | Electrical Circuit I | 2 | |
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Bahasa Inggris | English Language | 2 | |
Dasar Sistem Kontrol | Basic Control System | 2 | |
Dasar Sistem Telekomunikasi | Basic Telecommunication System | 2 | |
Elektronika Analog | 2 | ||
Elektronika Digital | Digital Electronics | 2 | |
Matematika Teknik II | Engineering Mathematics II | 3 | |
PENGUKURAN LISTRIK | Electrical Measurement | 2 | |
PRAKTIKUM FISIKA TEKNIK II | Physics for Engineering Practicum II | 1 | |
Praktikum Dasar Algoritma dan Pemograman II | 1 | ||
Rangkaian Listrik II | Electric Circuits II | 2 | |
Sensor dan Aktuator | Sensor and Actuator | 2 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2023/2024 Gasal | 20 | 20 |
2023/2024 Genap | 19 | 39 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 21 | 60 |
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