Mata Kuliah | Course | SKS Credit |
Periode 2019/2020 Gasal | |||
Analisis Struktur Statis Tertentu | Structural Analysis of Determinate Static | 3 | |
Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian | 2 | |
Bahasa Inggris | English Language | 3 | |
Kalkulus Diferensial | Differential Calculus | 3 | |
Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
Pengukuran Sipat Datar dan Praktikum | Surveying and Laboratory | 3 | |
Struktur Bangunan | Building Construction | 2 | |
Teknologi Bahan dan Praktikum | Construction Material | 3 | |
Periode 2019/2020 Genap | |||
Agama Islam | Islamic Religion Education | 2 | |
Hidrolika dan Praktikum | Hydraulics and Laboratory | 3 | |
Kalkulus Integral | Integral Calculus | 3 | |
Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
Literasi Digital | Digital Literacy | 2 | |
Mekanika Bahan | Materials Mechanic | 3 | |
Menggambar Bangunan Sipil | Technical Drawing of Civil Structure | 3 | |
Pemetaan Situasi dan Praktikum | Mapping and Laboratory | 3 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Gasal | |||
Geometri Jalan | Road Geometric | 2 | |
Hidrologi | Hydrology | 2 | |
Ilmu Lingkungan | Environmental Science | 2 | |
Manajemen Proyek | Project Management | 2 | |
Mekanika Tanah | SOIL MECHANICS | 4 | |
Statistik | Statistics | 3 | |
Struktur Beton | Concrete Structures | 4 | |
Periode 2020/2021 Genap | |||
Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 4 | |
Perkerasan Jalan | Road Pavement | 2 | |
Rekayasa Gempa | Seismic Engineering | 2 | |
Struktur baja | Steel Structure | 3 | |
Periode 2021/2022 Gasal | |||
Analisis Struktur Metode Matriks | Structural Analysis of Matrix Methods | 2 | |
Konstruksi Kayu | Timber Engineering | 2 | |
Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah Tinggal | 2 | ||
Struktur Baja Bangunan Tinggi | High-Rise Steel Structures | 2 | |
Struktur Beton Pratekan | Prestressed Concrete Structures | 2 | |
Struktur Jembatan | Bridge Structures | 2 | |
Tender Proyek | 2 | ||
Utilitas Rumah Tinggal | 2 | ||
Periode 2021/2022 Genap | |||
Magang | Field Practice/Apprentice | 20 | |
Periode 2022/2023 Gasal | |||
Estimasi Biaya Konstruksi | Construction Cost Estimation | 2 | |
PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEBUGARAN | Physical Education and Fitness | 2 | |
Periode 2022/2023 Genap | |||
Analisis Struktur Statis Tak Tentu | Structural Analysis of Undeterminate Static | 3 | |
Desain Pondasi | Foundation Design | 3 | |
Irigasi dan Drainase | 3 | ||
PERANCANGAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG | Building Structure Design** | 1 | |
PERANCANGAN BANGUNAN KEAIRAN | Water Structure Design** | 1 | |
Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Proyek | Project Planning and Control | 3 | |
Rekayasa Lalu Lintas | Traffic Engineering | 2 | |
Periode 2023/2024 Gasal | |||
KKN Proyek Desa Evaluasi Program | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pelaksanaan Program | 4 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pendesiminasian Program | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pengembangan Laporan | 3 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Pengembangan Perangkat | 4 | ||
KKN Proyek Desa Perancangan Program | 3 | ||
Periode 2024/2025 Gasal | |||
Skripsi | Thesis | 6 |
Semester | SKS | SKS TT |
2019/2020 Gasal | 21 | 21 |
2019/2020 Genap | 21 | 42 |
2020/2021 Gasal | 19 | 61 |
2020/2021 Genap | 11 | 72 |
2021/2022 Gasal | 16 | 88 |
2021/2022 Genap | 20 | 108 |
2022/2023 Gasal | 5 | 113 |
2022/2023 Genap | 16 | 129 |
2023/2024 Gasal | 20 | 149 |
2024/2025 Gasal | 6 | 155 |
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