Mata Kuliah E-Commerce (3 SKS)
Mata kuliah ini Kursus ini mengajarkan bagaimana melakukan bisnis online dan bagaimana mengelola masalah teknologi yang terkait dengan pembangunan situs web perdagangan elektronik. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari bagaimana penerapan teknologi dapat melibatkan pemegang kartu, pedagang, penerbit, gateway pembayaran, dan pihak lain dalam transaksi elektronik. Mata kuliah ini menyajikan konsep dan keterampilan untuk penggunaan strategis e-commerce dan teknologi informasi terkait dari tiga perspektif: bisnis ke konsumen (B2C), bisnis-ke-bisnis (B2B), dan intra-organisasi dan peran e-commerce dalam mengubah struktur seluruh industri, dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap proses bisnis termasuk transaksi elektronik, rantai pasokan, pengambilan keputusan dan kinerja organisasi.
This course teaches how to do business online and how to manage the technology issues associated with building an e-commerce website. Students will learn how the application of technology can involve cardholders, merchants, issuers, payment gateways, and other parties in electronic transactions. This course presents concepts and skills for the strategic use of e-commerce and related information technology from three perspectives: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), and intra-organizational and the role of e-commerce in changing the entire structure industry, and how it affects business processes including electronic transactions, supply chains, decision making and organizational performance.
C2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep e-business dan e-commerce
C2. Students are able to understand the concept of e-business and e-commerce.
C2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami online trading dan transaksi online
C2. Students are able to understand the online trading and transaction.
C3. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis model e-business dan e-commerce
C3. Students are able to analyze e-business and e-commerce model.
C2. Mahasiswa mampu pengembangan konten untuk system mobile commerce
C2. Students are able to understand content development for mobile commerce system
C5. Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi tampilan e-commerce website
C5. Studenst are able to evaluate e-commerce website interface.
C6. Mahasiswa mampu merancang konsep periklanan pada e-commerce
C6. Students are able to design advertisement concept for e-commerce.
Schneider, G. P. (2004) Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave. Canada: Thomson Course Technology.
Alan Afuah dan Christopher L Tucci. (2003). Internet Business Model dan Strategy. McGraw Hill
Dave Chaffey. (2015). Digital Business and E-Commerce Management. Pearson.
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