Mata Kuliah Pengantar Manajemen (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

This course examines the basic concepts related to management of public management. The development of management theory, the external environment of the organization, management and decision-making functions, organizing functions and organizational change, motivation, leadership and communications and supervisory functions and information systems. The learning method used is varied lecture, discussion and observation.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :

· Able to master the basic concepts of management and use of technology and information in the field of management and memaparhan roles and functions of management in business and non-profit organizations.

· Being able to make decisions based on the analysis of the situation and kondisisi faced.

· Having a smart character, independent and honest in introductory learning activities management.

Sumber Rujukan :
  • T. Hani Handoko. 2012 . Manajemen Edisi 2 . Yogyakarta: BPFE
  • Richard L. Daft. 2010 . New Era of Management Edisi 9. Salemba Empat

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