Mata Kuliah Pengantar Manajemen (3 SKS)
This course examines the basic concepts related to management of public management. The development of management theory, the external environment of the organization, management and decision-making functions, organizing functions and organizational change, motivation, leadership and communications and supervisory functions and information systems. The learning method used is varied lecture, discussion and observation.
· Able to master the basic concepts of management and use of technology and information in the field of management and memaparhan roles and functions of management in business and non-profit organizations.
· Being able to make decisions based on the analysis of the situation and kondisisi faced.
· Having a smart character, independent and honest in introductory learning activities management.
- T. Hani Handoko. 2012 . Manajemen Edisi 2 . Yogyakarta: BPFE
- Richard L. Daft. 2010 . New Era of Management Edisi 9. Salemba Empat
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