Mata Kuliah Listening AND Speaking FOR Primary School (3 SKS)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah :

Deskripsi Matakuliah

This subject is specifically designed to give students the necessary skills and confidence to deliver professional and articulate presentations for academic and professional forums where English is the medium of communication, such as conferences, seminars, poster presentation, etc. The emphasis put on variety, language skills and the balance between input and practice throughout the course will help students become more confident, autonomous and competent speakers of English. The teaching learning activities are student-centered learning conducted through contextual instruction, small group discussion, simulation, and presentation.

Capaian Mata Kuliah :
Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah/Kompetensi

1. Making use of learning sources and IT in delivering professional and articulate presentations for academic and professional forums where English is the medium of communication.

2. Possessing knowledge of the rules and techniques in delivering professional and articulate presentations for academic and professional forums where English is the medium of communication.

3. Being able to make a right decision in delivering professional and articulate presentations for academic and professional forums where English is the medium of communication.

4. Being responsible for applying the rules and techniques in delivering professional and articulate presentations for academic and professional forums where English is the medium of communication.

Sumber Rujukan :


  1. Dignen, Bob. 1999. English for Presentation . York: York Associates
  2. Osborn, M., Osborn, S., and Osborn, R . 2009. Public Speaking Eight Edition . USA: Pearson Education, Inc
  3. Taylor, H.M., and Mears, A.G . 1978. The Right Way to Conduct Meetings, Conferences, and Discussions . London: Cox & Wayman, Ltd
  4. Wallwork, Adrian . 2010. English Presentations at International Conferences . New York: Springer

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